First Cross - The crucifixion

The Cross of pain, suffering and sacrifice.

The crucifixion was a place of punishment and death for all who were found guilty of a
crime. But Jesus committed no crime and was innocent. Jesus knew that this was His place of
destiny and His whole life mission was to get to His Cross.
Jesus carried His Cross from Jerusalem to Golgotha and their His Cross was planted in the
ground and on that cross Jesus died. This Cross was a Cross of suffering, pain, shame,
rejection and death.
This Cross could never really be carried but had to be dragged. It was too heavy. The front
part of this Cross could be lifted but the bottom part would be dragged along the ground. No
doubt that there was a line or mark left in the ground from Jerusalem to Golgotha, this Mark
on the ground is like a scar left as a reminder of a time in somebody's life who experienced
something tragic or painful. Scars are reminders to a past experience that hurt us or caused
some type of trauma. When Jesus showed Himself to the disciples after His Resurrection and
they were hiding in fear, Jesus showed Thomas the scars on His hands where they Roman
soldiers nailed Him to the Cross.
Jesus said that He died for our sins, it was our sins that nailed Jesus to the cross. We all have
a part in His crucifixion and we can never repay Jesus for what He did for us. He paid the
price for our sins.

This Cross was sent to destroy Jesus but instead it was the very thing that brought Him the
Victory in saving the world and destroying the work of satan.
We have all im sure experienced times and situations in our lives where we thought that we
would never make it, and didn't think that we would survive the painful situation but we did.
With Jesus we can overcome every terrible thing that was sent our way to defeat us and
destroy us. The same power that Resurrected Jesus from the grave is the same power that
lives in every person that has received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
Jesus overcame His Cross and you can do the same by planting your Cross and walking away
from it. Jesus can give you the strength by the power of His Holy Spirit to let go of the hurt
and pain and that terrible situation that caused so much suffering in your life and be free
from it right now. This Cross was never intended to be carried throughout your life. You
must plant it and walk away from it.

In this life it is very hard to avoid receiving scars. Somewhere in life we all experience a fall
and a scar is left of that painful experience that always reminds us. Most of the time its the
pain in our hearts that hurt the most and a scar is left on our heart. It can't be seen. Its an
emotional scar. I'm sure Jesus experienced scars on His heart from the rejection He received
from His own people, The Word of God says that He came to His own but His own received
Him not.

He was rejected by the people He came to save, and He also felt the rejection of His Father in
Heaven on the day of His crucifixion when He was left suffering on His Cross and cried out to
God the Father, why have you forsaken me. I'm sure Jesus experienced a broken heart and
what pain can compare to that. Jesus knows what you are feeling and He can heal every
broken heart through the power of His Holy Spirit. He understands your pain, your loss and
your brokenness because He also suffered this way. Jesus planted His Cross and overcame it,
now you can do the same.